Learn and understand the essential elements of a modern Data Architecture, and how to create yours.
Share experience with the speakers, vendors, and practitioners to solve your own challenges, problems, and needs.
DAS instructors are world-class experts, battle-tested practitioners, and experienced classroom leaders.
Discover the top factors shaping Data Architecture right now, and learn about Big Data, how to "design in" Data Governance, Graph Data Management, designing an analytics organization, real-time data ingestion at scale, and the deployment of new database technologies.
Bring yourself up to date on Data Modeling for both NoSQL and SQL, IoT, Metadata Architecture, business analysis methods, statistical process improvement, architecture that enables self-service BI and Analytics, and Data Lake Architecture.
DATAVERSITY events are known for helping attendees to connect with like-minded professionals. There will be many opportunities to network with your peers. Join us, get inspired, and bring dozens of actionable take-aways to your team.
The agenda is packed with innovative topics essential to career success. Learn everything from social analytics to cloud-based Data Management, Graph Databases, and Augmented Reality. Understanding these innovations will make you indispensable
to your organization.
Attending DAS sessions, workshops, and seminars contributes to certification hours that are required to maintain your CDMP certification.
Meet leading vendors and innovative newcomers, both
on the exhibit floor and during hundreds of hours of live
educational presentations.
Tap into the combined expertise of your peers and industry experts who are in attendance with you, and avoid the
trial and error that others have already been through.
Learn from real-world case studies presented by top practitioners. Plus, hear the comments and questions
from others in the audience, in addition to making
your own evaluations during hands-on workshops,
tutorials, and seminars.
Listen to how leading organizations are tackling their challenges, and compare to your approach. Get confirmation of your
strategy or gain valuable tips on how to improve.
Tap into the DAS brain trust: The combination of speakers, sponsors, and attendees creates an unparalleled gathering
of expertise in one place, across all Data Management
disciplines, and within arm's length for you to approach.